Manila Bars

Manila Bars

Finders Keepers – Manila

finders keepers

Most tourists usually decide to take a trip to another continent or country with the hopes of knowing, of living in the flesh the things that are said in that country. Knowing its gastronomy and culture, and logically clearing its mind. Now, many people visit nightclubs, others only visit bars, while others visit shopping centers and those things, if most of them focus on the drinks offered in that country, whether or not they are imported. Generally, each site has a different cocktail to provide their customers; many are delighted and only return to the country with the intention of returning to step on that site that has marked his life.

In the world, we can see the creativity that certain owners have had at the time of creating the bars. They have sneaked out the bars so that nobody notices them, despite being these at first sight, that is why these bars are called clandestine bars or speakeasy, many are characterized by offering a good service, others by being luxurious, others by their appearance. But in reality what matters to the client is to spend a pleasant time. Most of the people who visit these sites do so to remove the stress of the week and release your mind a little, well. In Manila, there are millions of underground bars, which are visited day after day by local and foreign people, many of these bars already have fixed customers, and tables are usually ordered by request , however this does not prevent you from going and sitting where you want as long as it is not reserved.

Finders Keepers Manila
Finders Keepers Manila

A very characteristic bar that many people usually like is the Finders Keepers this bar is very visited in Manila, this is characterized by being an underground bar, which is literally located in the middle of nowhere, when entering you will notice that it is surrounded by lots of red light. There are people who have visited this bar that is dissatisfied by its sound. For many people this is very excessive, but on the other hand, we have many people who say that the sound is adequate; many people prefer to dance than to chat, so this is something that it characterizes this bar. That sets it apart from the others.

On the other hand, we have that the cocktails are a bit expensive, however they are very good I would say, and suitable for every occasion, generally the price of the drink usually increases depending on the liquor they use for it. With respect to the team that makes this bar life, we have to be very cordial, attentive, and always be aware that your table does not need something. Usually we will find that the music in this bar can be selected by day, it is very common to go on a Friday night and listen to songs from the 90s to 2000, and finally there are musicals of the moment.

Finders Keepers Manila
Finders Keepers Manila

Regarding the place it is small, however it is very comfortable, enough to have a good time, dance and drink, the room is very clean which makes you feel in your comfort zone. One of the drinks that most people recommend coming to this bar is the popular Gin Tonic, this is usually a bit expensive, however many say it is worth the price. A bar we can find full usually on weekends, because many people leave the office or stress of the university and decide to indulge.

Regarding the food they offer, it is not the best, but I personally consider it very good, or at least it will help you control your alcohol consumption. In short this bar is very characterized by its environment, people usually come, drink, dance, taste something from the menu, and clear your mind, it is very common to see groups of friends in these types of sites, however couples abound.

Finders Keepers Manila
Finders Keepers Manila

This bar is very active in social networks, especially on Facebook; this has been perhaps one of the biggest impulses ever. That has generated more customers. Their website on Facebook has an approximate of 11,000 followers, many people They have visited this bar and many have different views, although most say they love the bar for the service, music, drinks, atmosphere, others say they do not like it because of the excess volume.

Now, I personally consider that this is one of the best options if you know about it, you can have a good time, make new friends, enjoy, drink, dance, eat and all this within the same space, in which you can also meet many of the most beautiful women in all manila. It should be noted that as I mentioned before, this bar is nowhere, literally close to it are not many food establishments or cafes, on the other hand the security of this is very good.

Finders Keepers Manila
Finders Keepers Manila

Socially speaking this is a very good bar, although some drinks are really expensive. I think it would not hurt to visit and more if you were a tourist wanting to know new things, or new people. The bar has everything corresponding to wit takes to make a good party; it’s very dark inside, with only the red neon sign on the bar and the glow of candlelight to keep people from stumbling over each other. Your candle is very unusual and I find it creative. The music they play all night is not very modern, but it is not too old, a kind of relaxed atmosphere.

They have house rules that all customers must remember. You order and pay at the bar, guests must cover their drinks with a tissue if they leave the table, share is care, remember to offer a seat and make a friend, and not smoke. It has no signs on the front, no brightly lit exits. In short, this bar is one of the best, if you still do not have the opportunity to visit my invitation is to do it, and if you already did tell us what was your experience in it, which was what you most disliked and what was your favorite part

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